Children’s dental health


Most children start to develop teeth from the age of 3 months old; teething can be a painful and stressful process for young children and can cause them to have high temperatures and be unusually clingy and emotional. If your child is struggling with teething there are gels which help to soothe pain and ease swelling; these are widely available at pharmacies.

Losing teeth

Most children start to lose their baby teeth from the age of 5 onwards; however trends are indicating that children are starting to lose their teeth earlier due to poor dental health.

Ensuring good dental health

It is important to teach your child the importance of good dental health from an early age; you can do this by ensuring they brush their teeth regularly and making them aware of what will happen if they eat too much sugar or don’t look after their teeth. Many parents encourage their children to look after their teeth by buying them colourful character toothbrushes; this can make cleaning teeth with toothpaste and mouthwash fun and will instil good oral hygiene habits which should last into adolescence and adulthood.

Preventing poor oral health

Children should brush their teeth twice a day with a small headed brush with soft bristles. Dentists also recommend that children attend regular check-ups from an early age; this will enable dentists to treat any problems and help to ensure their teeth grow and develop properly. Diet is also extremely important for good health; children today are consuming far too many sugary and acidic foods, which are contributing to tooth decay and gum disease and leading to tooth loss in very young children. Children who lose teeth early on are more likely to lose their adult teeth early.

Orthodontic treatment

Many teenage children suffer from orthodontic problems which relate to the way the upper and lower sets of teeth fit together when the jaw is closed. If the child has a significant over or under bite, this may cause problems with speech and eating and may make them feel self-conscious about their physical appearance. Orthodontic treatment usually involves fitting braces which will close gaps between the teeth and straighten any crooked or twisted teeth; usually braces are fitted for two years and the results are generally very effective.